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Sunshine Books – Teaching the World to Read

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Sunshine Online for Parents

Give your child a head start in reading and maths

Every parent or caregiver wants their child to do well at school and to develop a strong foundation in literacy and numeracy. Success in reading and maths is essential for every child’s ongoing achievement and confidence. Sunshine Online will help your child learn to read and develop important skills as they become independent readers.

  • More than 900 books with voice over (Levels 1–30+)
  • Organised into three Learning Spaces for Early, Emergent and Fluent readers
  • Over 2,000 interactive activities focusing on phonics and words, comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, fluency and writing
  • All content of all three Learning Spaces in Sunshine Online is available, providing children with a huge library of titles and activities
  • Parents can log in up to three children per family. They can choose to be either hands-on or hands-off with their child’s progress.
  • If parents want more control, they can tailor content to their child’s abilities or interests. They can access their Admin to see progress and results.
  • At log in, children can see their progress, get certificates and trophies, and unlock new avatars.
  • Apple and Android apps; for use on all devices
  • Requires internet connection
  • 12 month subscription


The following video provides an overview for parents of how to set up their children on Sunshine Online, along with information for children on how they can use the programme.

Fiction e-books

Sunshine Online includes a great selection of highly engaging texts by different authors, they offer narration and text highlighting to support the reader. Each e-book is followed by interactive activities.

Non-fiction e-books

The non-fiction e-books feature high-interest and age-appropriate topics. Some of the text include video. Many of the texts are ideal for inquiry-based learning and support STEAM education.

Interactive activities

Sunshine Online includes fun, interactive activities that explore a wide range of skills. As the programme develops, many of the activities become more open-ended, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding of the text in creative ways.

Teacher resources

The Staffroom section provides teaching support resources. These include teaching notes, activity sheets, curriculum-linking documents, Skill Overview Charts etc.


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