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Sunshine Starters, Levels 1-5

  • $399.00 Add to cart
Sunshine Starters is a literacy programme that focuses on the five essential skill areas that all children need in order to develop into successful readers. Evidence-based findings have identified these key areas as:
Phonemic Awareness – the ability to hear, identify and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words.
Phonics – understanding the relationship between written letters (graphemes) and sounds.
Vocabulary – developing an ever-increasing base of known words and their meaning.
Comprehension – ability to understand and make meaning from text.
Fluency – ability to read at pace with accuracy and expression.
Books can also be bought individually. The titles are listed below.

Level 1 books

Level 2 books

Level 3 books

Level 4 books

Level 5 books

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