Tip that hat


A look at hats through the ages.

Phonics overview (see Teacher Resources page for more details):

  • Consonants, short vowel sounds, long vowel sounds, consonant digraphs, vowel digraphs and vowel trigraphs, r-controlled vowels (this equates to Set 5 of the Sunshine Decodable programme)
  • Inside front cover focuses on some of the sounds in the book and gives focus words for the book
  • Inside back cover gives suggested discussion points for after reading
  • Fully decodable text (with some tricky words)
  • Reinforcement and teaching of phonics in a systematic, sequential progression
  • Non-fiction themes of interest to upper primary age student
  • Full-colour age-appropriate photographs and illustrations
  • 24 pages, approx 800 words
  • 148mm x 210mm
  • Free teaching notes and student worksheets available from the Teacher Resources page